Rabbit Control
4 good reasons to tackle rabbits on a community basis:
Rabbits cost landowners lost production - 12 rabbits eat as much as a sheep, and the equivalent of about 4.4tonne hay per year. If you are buying in hay, you will appreciate that’s a lot of money.
Rabbit control is expensive in cost and time -reinfestation from a neighbour’s property is too easy, so working together will have lasting effects and will save you money in the long term.
Neighbours working together to share resources and costs of warren ripping machinery and baiting / fumigation contractors will be more economical. As a landowner you have an obligation to control rabbits – it makes sense (and cents) to keep the cost down. Check the Catchment and Land Protection Act (1994)
If your landcare /community group has planted trees, you need to protect them from rabbits grazing the fresh shoots that are emerging from the tree guards, or eating the whole plant.
Actions and feedback
The Rabbit Action Group is inviting YOU to register with Feral Scan to help paint a picture of the issues in the Moorabool Shire so we are better equipped to tackle the problems.
Maybe you have other top priorities for controlling rabbits, we would like to hear about them. Use Facebook or contact us
If you don’t treat rabbits on your property you may like to tell us why……please email us your comments
Rabbit Action Group
The Moorabool Landcare Network formed a Rabbit Action Group in 2013 to address the district-wide problem of rabbit immunity to Calicivirus and Myxomotosis.
The Group comprises members from Landcare groups, Moorabool Shire Council, Grow West and DEPI.
Projects include -
rabbit action guide for Moorabool Shire - funded by PPWCMA and Moorabool Shire Council
A community rabbit control program in the Rowsley area has worked in with the Rowsley Landcare Group to see warrens ripped across 7km of consecutive neighbouring properties.
Engaging with the Wadawurrung as the traditional owners in the Rowsley area to prevent harm to cultural heritage as we control rabbits, and establishing demonstration farms as case studies of how to go about this.
2 Rabbits + 18 months = 186 rabbits
Australia -24 rabbits + 150 years = 200,000,000 rabbits
Victoria - 20 million
Rabbit burrow near Boxthorn threatening recent tree planting project